Friday, November 4, 2011

Re: Alabama's immigration law unconstitutional

Once again Alabama has shown the rest of the world it is indeed on of the most misguided states in the US. Their idea of treating all of its Latin community as criminals is extremely unconstitutional and in the end will only hurt the state. As a person of who grew up in an agricultural town you see that a majority of the “illegal” workers are hardworking citizens like any other “legal” person working in the US. In the end I feel it will be Alabama that will pay. The immigrant workers can move to surrounding states, there will always be a need for their type of work. But as you stated in your blog post farms have lost productivity or shut down completely. In a time when our economy is so finite Alabama will soon feel the hurt of a depleted work force full of jobs that a lot of it citizens may not want to work. In the end if the legislation of Alabama feels the need to punish its students in public schools then clearly they gave their priorities backwards. These children more than likely had no say so in wither or not their parents came to the US in search of a better life for them, but The State is making them pay for it. Perhaps the state will quickly realize the error in there ways or maybe they will continue to persecute its citizens who work at the roots of its state.

Monday, October 17, 2011

like only she can.

Ann Coulter says it like only she can! In the open minded authors latest blog she takes a look at the occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement and explains it as she see fit. The OWS movement has quickly gained national attention after a month log campaign. Their occupations of Wall Street and many state offices are in protest of what they believe is a government being influenced by big business. Their goal is end the tax breaks and bail outs of large companies. These protesters feel they have been cheated by these large companies whom they believe represent only 1% of our country but have more influence than the other 99%.
                 Coulter begins by giving her opinion of the protesters whom she believes are nothing more than a rag tag bunch of social misfits, to put it nicely. She believes they are misinformed people incapable of explaining their own ideals and takes a hard stance to distance the OWS movement from the Tea Party. She then explains how the entire Democratic Party is responsible for the need to have protesters or “civil disobedience” as she calls it. She even goes as far as to say that Nixon been elected in 1960 instead of Kennedy the civil rights movement wouldn’t have been necessary. Coulter wraps her blog up by ending by taking one last shot at the OWS movement by saying they are in the tradition of Charles Mansion rather than the civil rights movement.
                Coulter has always been one of the most polarizing persons in recent history. Her strong beliefs make her loved or hated Americans. In her Blog I feel as if she is greatly miss guided and unable to take a harder look at the OWS. I for one can see how the majority of these protesters are sending the wrong message. Many see how this is a socialist movement, but I believe the OWS movement isn’t about “spreading the wealth” but more about ridding the over whelming influence business has in government. Through the blog coulter continues to remind the reader of how this is not the tea party but the “flea party” rather. I for one feel she is wrong on the also. Though their ideology is completely different I believe they have more in common they Coulter would ever admit. They are a group of American citizens who have the tenacity and where with all to stand behind their beliefs and take a stance, even if both groups may have a few misguided members.  

Monday, October 10, 2011

Perry and the Tea Party!

In Bill Keller’s editorial he takes a look at the Tea party and weather or they have lost their gusto and have a presidential candidate that they can get behind. He examines the many front runners and takes a close look at who he feels has the best chances of gaining the tea party vote, Texas governor rick Perry. Keller argues why Perry would be an ideal pick for the tea party through his sometimes extreme conservative stances such as his views on abortion and gay marriage. Perry’s ability to minimize government in Texas is also a reason why many tea parties would gladly get behind Perry. Keller also highlights some reasons why the tea parties may not have a candidate to get behind this year in Perry. Perry’s stance on allowing children of illegal immigrant to receive in state tuition and his continuance of taking federal aid may not be something the Tea Party thinks highly of.
Bill Keller is an op-ed writer for the New York Times, he also writes for the time magazine. He has been an executive editor for 8 years. The article is focused at people wondering what happened to the great fire the tea party had and who if any of the GOP candidate’s represent their ideologies. Keller’s editorial is clearly not intended for Tea Party members and some other hardcore conservatives.  Some of the things that engaged me in the article were the in-depth look at the candidates and why none of the tea Party members are speaking highly of the two main candidates. Keller’s view on the Tea party candidates or lack thereof is pretty agreeable in my opinion. With the multitude of GOP candidates the Tea Party has no clear way to go, which seems to be splitting their vote when it comes to picking a candidate.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lobbyists in on 'super' secrets
With media and watchdog groups out of the loop just look to Lobbyist for answers. During recent super committee hearings which are largely taking place in private the only groups who seem to be able to get any information are lobbyist. Some are meeting with panel members in person while others are getting info from readouts of closed door meetings. Many representatives are distancing themselves from theses lobbyist by axing fundraisers, others are only meeting with constituents. Many lobbyists are heavily invested to ensure their interest remains safe and well financed or those that receive heavy tax breaks continue to receive those.
                This is rather interesting that the only groups being given info on the super-secret meeting are the same groups who finance many of these politicians’ campaigns. We have become a country ran by lobbyist rather than elected officials.  Everyone should be informed that these so called secret meeting are only secret to tax payers. As citizens this should raise a lot of eyebrows, this is why I brought it to our attention.